Web Commodore Digital Proof
Register and protect your digital assets
Timestamp your digital assetsGenerate timestamped proof of the existence and your possession of any digital asset
Without the need to upload or disclose your digital asset files, obtain Digital Proof Tokens within seconds.
Web Commodore Digital Proof Tokens are admissible as evidence in court. You can download them to store alongside your digital asset files and Web Commodore also keeps a secure record so they can be verified at any time.
Get timestamped proof for your digital files now
Proof of Existence
Web Commodore Digital Proof Tokens are timestamped evidence of the existence and your possession of any digital file, registered on the GoChain public blockchain
Safeguard Digital Assets
Evidence that digital files were in your possession at a specific point in time to safeguard against misuse and misappropriation - without disclosing their contents
Indisputable Evidence
Our timestamped proof tokens of your digital assets are admissible as evidence in court as Web Commodore retains the full chain of custody.
The easiest and quickest way to register ownership of your digital assets and creations on the public blockchain
Web Commodore Technology
Digital Proof Token Encryption
Web Commodore Digital Proof Tokens are generated using a locked-down Hardware Security Module (HSM) certified to FIPS 140-2 Level 3 standard for all cryptographic operations
Trusted Time Stamp
Web Commodore is a trusted Time Stamping Authority (TSA). All Digital Proof Tokens are signed in accordance with the IETF RFC3161 industry standard with a date and time stamp accurate to within 3 milliseconds, synchronised to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Digital Proof Token Security
Web Commodore uses security standards-compliant systems for all its operations and uses a private RSASSA-PSS 3072 bit security key locked down in a FIPS 140-2 Level 3 HSM module to sign all Digital Proof Tokens. Digital Proof Tokens are registered as non-fungible tokens (NFT) on the GoChain public blockchain.

1A unique fingerprint (sha-256) of the digital file is generated by the browser and transmitted to Web Commodore.
2The fingerprint is combined with an accurate timestamp.
3The fingerprint / timestamp combination is encrypted using a locked-down Hardware Security Module (HSM)
4Together with a public key to provide authenticity, this generates a Digital Proof Token
5The Digital Proof Token is registered on the GoChain public blockchain
6The ownership and integrity of the digital file can be verified at any time
Digital Proof Token[Plain text / 3KB]
Digital Proof Certificate[PDF / 1.3MB]